Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

of MTM Digital

1. Introduction

  • Company Details: MTM Digital, located in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Contact: info@mtm.digital
  • Application: These terms and conditions govern the provision and use of services offered by MTM Digital.

2. Services

  • MTM Digital offers a range of services, including (but not limited to) website and app development, graphic design (logos, business cards, promotional materials, 3D models), production & realization (videos, photos, print work, 3D printing), cloud & hosting (web hosting, domain management, email solutions, cloud office), and digital marketing (SEO & advertising, social media, content creation, analysis & reporting).

3. Payment

  • Payments are accepted via bank transfer, credit card, or SEPA for recurring services.
  • Ownership of any delivered product or service is transferred to the client only after full payment.
  • Customers are required to pay for the services provided by MTM Digital within the payment terms specified on invoices or as agreed in the service agreement. Failure to meet this obligation on the due date is considered a breach of these terms and conditions.
  • In the event of non-payment on the due date, services may be suspended until full payment is received. This includes the suspension of ongoing projects, services, and support.

4. Intellectual Property

  • MTM Digital retains the right to use all works created, for its portfolio and marketing materials.
  • Client-supplied materials used in the project will remain the intellectual property of the client.

5. Data & Privacy

  • Client data is used strictly for contact, service provision, and account management purposes.
  • All data is securely stored and managed, compliant with GDPR.
  • No client data will be shared with third parties without explicit consent.

6. Refunds and Cancellation

  • Given the customized nature of the services, no refunds are provided once a service is rendered and accepted by the client.

7. Limitation of Liability

  • MTM Digital’s liability is limited to the provision of the product or service. Once a product or service is accepted by the client, MTM Digital is not liable for subsequent issues or lost profits.

8. Dispute Resolution

  • Disputes will be resolved through amicable discussions and negotiations.
  • If unresolved, disputes will be subject to the laws and jurisdiction of The Netherlands.

9. Amendments

  • MTM Digital reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions. Clients will be notified of significant changes.

10. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

  • These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of The Netherlands and are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts in Rotterdam.

11. Acceptance of Terms

  • By using the services of MTM Digital, clients agree to adhere to these Terms and Conditions.

12. Notice of Termination

  • The agreement commences on the date of acceptance by MTM Digital and continues until the end of the agreed term. Unless otherwise stated, the Agreement will automatically renew for the same period, under the same conditions, after the initial term has ended. The customer has the right to terminate the agreement by giving one month’s notice prior to the end of the current contract term. Termination must be made in writing via email.